How's your mind set today?

Mental performance
Mental performance is the psychological component that enhances your performance in any kind of activity, in sports, music, art, public speaking, surgeries, in your hobby, or your everyday job!
It's the fundament to perform at your best
whenever it matters most! -to be able to trust yourself, to cope with pressure, to refocus on what's important now, to make the right decision, to breathe well, and so much more!
The mind is made to be trained.
We are not born with self-mastery! Different career phases, experiences, challenges, and goals require new potentials to unlock!
I work with science-based tools and interventions, tailored to your needs and wishes!
If you work on your mental strength, the following things will become possible for you.

Mental performance
Are you aware of the thoughts that go through your mind on race day? Are these 100% beneficial and conscious? Are you in touch with yourself and can you consciously perceive your body?
Can you direct your focus on where it is important on any given moment?
Working with the mind, knowing how it works and training it regularly is done by almost every elite athlete because nobody wants to leave performance on the most important day by chance!
Nervousness, doubts, thought loops, fear of failure, recurring injuries, overwhelming emotions, poor communication
hinder your full potential?
If you work on the mental side of your sport you will be able to:
feel prepared and ready to compete
show your best version on your most important day
stop recurring injuries
aligned with your body and movements
at one with your equipment
enjoy your competition
exceed your personal best
I will support you in a holistic way with science-based
tools, strategies & perspectives from
sport psychology
& with my own experience as a professional athlete!
I am looking forward to working with you!
In our sessions
we analyze and reflect on your situation
we develop individual goals
we create solution-oriented strategies
we find individual mental tools for your current challenges
we work on developing your performance potential
we improve your mental strength

1:1 Coach the Coach
Mental performance is not just for the athletes themselves! As a coach, you also need to perform, understand the athletes, give the right instructions, and tailor the program to their uniqueness!
For your athletes, it is more important how you do things and not so much what you do, what mood you create and how you feel in your role! Give yourself your own space and time to reflect on your path, values and strategies to improve your own performance and health.